Crystal Necklace: Amethyst, Onyx, Opalite, Jade
Amethyst has a calming effect and reduces anxiety, anger and grief. It helps processing loss, misfortune and dealing with adversity. It clears your mind and gives insight in behavior and the choices you make and so helps recognize bad habits and leave them behind. Besides that the stone has a positive influence on home sickness, headache and migraines. In daytime the makes one realistic and at night it promotes a peaceful sleep and healthy dreams.
Onyx-- Root Chakra strengthens the mind and can help when having lack of Calcium. It can help against watery eye and lack of self esteem inferiority complexes, disheartenment. Imbalance and helps giving hope. It promotes hearing, strengthens nails and can help against having blood circulation disorder.
Opalite—Third-eye, Crown Chakra Highly energetic, a useful stone for self-exploration, reflection, dream work. Assists through life transitions, giving persistence, strength. Helps unexpressed thoughts, emotions to be put into words. Stabilizes mood swings, soothes anxiety, depression.
Ever since approximately 5000 BCE, Jade has been called the very best of all gemstones. As the "Stone of heaven", Jade symbolizes the five virtues of mankind, wisdom, justice, humility, compassion and courage. Symbols of the the virtues were carved into the Jade, and so designated as power stone. It's beneficial against intestinal gas, and it strengthens the stomach. When worn three months into a pregnancy, it will promote a feeling of inner peace.